PyMite Documentation

Author: Dean Hall
Id:index.txt 435 2010-02-24 19:15:24Z bjones460


This document lists the available documents in this directory and a brief explanation of their contents. This document is intended to help the newcomer understand the scope of the project and intended purpose of the software.

The following table lists the available documents and their purpose.

File Useful to . . . Explains . . .
User Developer
Doxygen API Documentation N Y Structure of the source code for PyMite
AssertStatement.html N Y the software design for the assert statement
BuildSystem.html Y Y the details on how to build PyMite
DevelopmentProcess.html N Y the PyMite development procedure
ErrorsAndExceptions.html N Y the software design of VM errors and exceptions
FrequentlyAskedQuestions.html Y Y Answers FAQs.
HeapDesign.html N Y the software design of the VM heap
HowToProgramTheAt91sam7s64-ek.html Y Y how to flash a target processor
HowToReleasePyMite.html N Y how to prepare a release package
HowToUsePyMite.html Y Y the high-level C API to run PyMite
InteractivePyMite.html Y Y how to run the interactive interface
ModuleImages.html N Y how to create and use images of modules
PyMiteFeatures.html Y Y the high level features of PyMite compared to Python
PyMiteOverview.html Y Y the generalities of PyMite
StringObjects.html N Y the software design of String objects
Testing.html N Y the unit and system test framework in PyMite